Nina and other little things enjoys the treehouses

Hometreehome is a blog about treehouses, about dreams that come true, about playing on a tree and detach from the reality and the real world. Monday Hometreehome turned 5 years old and the best wishes and present that it could have, arrived from Nina and other little things!

“Nina is a little «red pupetta» wearing a red dress and a hat. She’s a delicate thought and moves around with ironic grace. She explores the inside & the outside, the YOU and ME. She silently observes and thinks about little things. Nina is the sweet positivity of the eyes looking at her, …and not everybody can. Enjoy life & all it’s other little things! Here she is”.  Nina and other little things

Nina is the symbol of us and of all the little children who want to explore the world finding out something new everyday. I really love her and I’m so happy that she decides to enjoy the magical world of the treehouses in a big and important day like the 5th anniversary of hometreehome!!!

Take a look at Nina’s world and remember that even if she’s a very little, small and smart girl, she has already travelled the world! You can find her in a lot of different countries and stores all around the world!

For further information: Nina and other little things
And thanx to Nina’s creator for this magical present!

Illustration by  Nina and other little things. All rights reserved.

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