Tree houses. Casas en los arboles

Outside is raining and the best thing to do is staying at home chilling on the sofa reading a good book!treehouses monsa pic

I suggest you the new book: Tree houses. Casas en los arboles by Monsa.
Inside you can find wonderful photos printed on a high quality paper of ten different treehouses around the world built from different architects.

“Tree houses are platforms or buildings constructed around, next to or among the trunk or branches of one or more mature trees while above ground level. Tree houses can be used for recreation, work space, habitation, observation or as temporary retreats. Along with subterranean and ground level houses, tree houses are an option for building eco-friendly houses in remote forest areas, because they do not require a clearing of a certain area of forest”. Monsa

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What are you waiting for? Order your copy and take inspiration for your treehouse, the summer is coming and so the time to build a treehouse!

Pics by Monsa

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