The Tree House

A treehouse in the middle of Miami.

the treehouse rollingturtles 2

Rollingturtles– an independent production company- made a documentary about a treehouse, “between Miami’s glitzy cement towers stands a tree with a little house in it. It isn’t a playground for children, but a home for a group of unconventional adults. On three levels three parties share an earthy lifestyle, without foregoing modern comforts, like electricity, television or the Internet. Built almost 20 years ago by Ray and Shawnee, a brother and a sister, the tree house is the focal point for a community of very diverse individuals who would otherwise be unlikely to mingle. There is Brent, the model, who inhabits the bottom room of the tree house and Keith, the computer geek, who occupies the middle room. And then there is René, the Haitian immigrant, who prefers the more regular quarters of the main house on the property. They all meet at night or on Sundays, when the traditional volleyball game is held. Together they have all managed to build a friendly and supportive community in transient Miami. But looming problems make it uncertain whether this idyllic place can last. As much as Ray, the owner of the land, loves the property he is considering selling it”. Rollingturtles

At this link a little trailer of the documentary. Unlucky it’s not possible to see the whole documentary.

the treehouse rollingturtles

I’m sorry for the bad quality of the pics, they’re frames of the video.

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