The Perfect Treehouse

The summer is coming and for sure a lot of dads, uncles and grandfathers they will improve themselves building a treehouse for their kids!

If you don’t know how to start or you want to build it safely (this should be the first rule!!), you should order the book “The Perfect Treehouse” by Popular Woodworking immediately!

This is a useful guide and tool that it can help you to build your own treehouse.
Written by Django Kroner of The Canopy Crew, it’s a small format book can you can bring wherever you want. With a lot of photos and illustration, a glossary and technical sketches.

Inside of this book, you can find everything you need to know in order to choose the best location for your treehouse, how to use the right tree which material and tools do you need and how to choose and to use them.

If a treehouse was until now just in your dream, now you have to possibility to make your dream happens!

You can order your copy on the Canopy Crew‘s website or on the Popular Woodworking‘s website

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