Das grössere Wunder Treehouse

Do you know when you are looking for something and this find you?das groessere wunder

One day I was in a bookshop looking for a new book to read, I wanted something special, something real. My attention was suddenly captured by a book with a mountain on the cover. I read the plot and I knew immediately that was what I was looking for!

“… Jonas travelled from a city to the other, bought a flat in Rom, an island and paid an architect to have a Treehouse. …”

Unlucky this book -“Das grössere Wunder“- it’s at the moment just in german, I hope that very soon they will translate it!

A 5 floor treehouse of one million dollar, with an organic design where a spiral staircase links the living room with the bed room and from this to the study and from the study room to the guest room to finish in the kitchen. Just the bathroom was built on the ground.
A design that reminded Gaudì’s projects and that gives to Jonas the impression to live in a fairy tail.

A book not only about the treehouse that Jonas had in the woods of Oslo. A book about travelling all around the world looking for something who no one knows. A book about the limit of themselves with the nature.

The story runs parallel: the past -with the story of Jonas since he was a child- and the present -where he’s preparing himself to climb the Mount Everest.

If you are a german speaker or you understand german, I really suggest you to read it!

More info at Thomas Glavinic’s page.

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