Bangkok Treehouse

An Eco-Treehouse resort close to Bangkok!bangkok tree house pic

Very close to the chaotic metropolitan city of Bangkok is now possible to sleep and spend your holiday in one of the most eco sustainable treehouse resort.
An hotel with 12 rooms between the trees and a restaurant will offer you the possibility to spend some time surrounded by the nature.
In the website you can find all the elements that make this village a special eco-architecture, a list from A to Z will explain you why leaving here even if for a while could help the planet.

The Bangkok Treehouse has been designed by the architect Jirayu Tulyanond, it has been planed close to the Chao Praya. Unluacky the architect has studied every details to have a green architecture, but not compatible to handicap or old people -due to the different stairs of the buildings.

A special offer is reserved to all the people who decide to reach the village by bicycle! Also because the only way to reach it is walking, by bike or by boat …

For further information take a look at the Bangkok Treehouse‘s website!

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