They always said that close a door, then a big one will be opened. This is the story of the Magical Playhouses. Keep it reading 😉

Chris started as carpenter for Pete Nelson and after some adventures around the USA he started to build by himself some playhouses. At the beginning for his daughter and then he started having some clients.
In between he built also a treehouse and it’s about this that I want to concentrate my article -of course- the Bainbridge Island!
I think that Chris was really really lucky to find a tree like this. I think it was born screaming at the world: “Hey look at my form, I’m perfect to host a house!!!”
The branches are like arms that hug the treehouse. A sort of candelabra in which the house fit perfectly!

Well done Chris! I hope that more treehouses will be signed by you!
More pictures in the gallery below.
Pics by Magical Playhouses. All rights are reserved.
Tags: architecture, bainbridge island, bioarchitecture, cabin, cabinporn, chris, eco friendly, ecoarchitecture, green architecture, hometreehome, Magical Playhouses, nature, pete nelson, seattle, tree, treehouse, treehouse lovers, treehouseporn, USA, what's new