Posts Tagged 'NYC'

Magic Treehouse
A Treehouse illustration for a personal children’s book about two young witches that live in the woods and experience disability signed by the American artist Radhia Rahman. Maybe this illustration could inspired a treehouse builder and make this happen! Pic by Radhia

Magic Treehouse
A Treehouse illustration for a personal children’s book about two young witches that live in the woods and experience disability signed by the American artist Radhia Rahman. Maybe this illustration could inspired a treehouse builder and make this happen! Pic by Radhia

Julyette Seydoux Treehouse
Every artist has is own idea of treehouse, it’s quite interesting to see the different interpretation of it.

Julyette Seydoux Treehouse
Every artist has is own idea of treehouse, it’s quite interesting to see the different interpretation of it.

Socrates Sculpture Park | Tree Office
Last week I presented you the Park Hack | TREExOFFICE. Do you know that the first one was in Manhattan?

Socrates Sculpture Park | Tree Office
Last week I presented you the Park Hack | TREExOFFICE. Do you know that the first one was in Manhattan?

The TreeCastle
Like in a fairy tail, the Prince declares his love to his Princess who is in the Treecastle…

The TreeCastle
Like in a fairy tail, the Prince declares his love to his Princess who is in the Treecastle…