The Teasdale Treehouse

A treehouse close to a poetry museum, that took the name of an American poet.

Teasdale Treehouse 2011

In the website of Rural Oklahoma Museum of Poetry, also knowed as ROMPoetry, this treehouse it’s so described:

“Next to the future home of the Rural Oklahoma Museum of Poetry is a oak tree that is over 100-years-old. In it is a treehouse that is 40-years-old. The treehouse will be an integral part of the museum, and if you dare ascend the steep steps, you will enter the Teasdale Treehouse, so named after American poet Sara Teasdale, who wrote primarily of love, life, death, and . . . nature” ROMPoetry

Teasdale Treehouse 1980

For further information:

pics by ROMPoetry

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